



When I was a kid, I always dreamed of becoming a professional baseball player. I played baseball for 9 years and as the years passed by I started to give up on this dream. At that time, I felt like I lost my purpose in life and I started partying and gambling too much and didn’t feel like there was any reason for living. There was also so much pressure around me from Japanese society.

At this time, my cousin who used to live in Hawaii, suggested to me to go overseas because he had experienced a different world outside of Japan. I did not have any direction, and it was easy for me to follow his advice. I then went to Australia on a working holiday visa in 2011 with only $3000 USD in my bank account. After living in Australia, everything completely changed for me and I realised how much I enjoyed discovering different ways of life outside of Japan.  

Since 2011, I haven’t stopped travelling and now my goal is to share my story with people in Japan who might be facing the same pressures that I did. I only knew about life in Japan before I went overseas and I want to show others how big and how diverse the world is.